Thursday, 12 February 2015

Wow, been some time and rzip

Wow, forgot how long it's been on here. My little place I keep my hints for myself and any others who get the same issues as me.
Obviously there are less issues with Linux Mint and I've not broken anything enough yet.

Anyway needed to do some compression on files today. Did a search, read a bit and it looks like rzip, from the repository was the one for me. Apparently lrzip is slightly better but I'd started encoding by the time I looked at that and it's just an upgrade to rzip.

So first I install it.

do a : rzip --help   for the info.

 -0            fastest (worst) compression
 -6            default compression
 -9            slowest (best) compression
 -d            decompress
 -o filename   specify the output file name
 -S suffix     specify compressed suffix (default '.rz')
 -f            force overwrite of any existing files
 -k            keep existing files
 -P            show compression progress
 -V            show version

Important notes being without the "-k" it deletes the original file after compression. I may not want that sometimes.

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