Sunday, 23 June 2013

Saving a webpage as PDF

Sometimes I want to save a webpage for viewing offline or it has interesting info I want to collate into a package to read all at once with related info. I used to save this as a HTML complete webpage and cut out the info into a word document.
then I used an online service like Evernote but this one didn't want you to sign up (which i didn't want to). That stopped working a while ago.
So now the easiest way to take that page offline is to use the CUPS to PDF printer option.


sudo aptitude install cups-pdf

Then its just   FILE > PRINT using PDF option from the web browser.

The PDF will have the webpage title as its filename and is found in your HOME directory.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

On start up asks for Login Keyring

To get rid of this every time you start up, although only useful if you are on a secure Computer, try this

Terminal or ATL-F2


Right click on where it says password on the tab to the left. Click change and put old password in then when it asks for a new one leave both spaces blank.

If you just see a "Plus" sign in the top left of the command bar, this just means you do not have the left hand tab visible. Use the "View" menu item. Just select it and choose "By Key ring". this will bring up the side menu where you can see passwords, login. Right click on this to continue.

Installing VICE (Commodore Emulator)

The only issue I had installing this was where to put the ROM files.

It needs

Every emulator requires its own ROM set. For the VIC20 and the C64, the ROM set consists of the following files:
  • `kernal', the Kernal ROM (8 KBytes)
  • `basic', the Basic ROM (8 KBytes)
  • `chargen', the character generator ROM (4 Kbytes)
The C128 needs the following files:
  • `kernal', the Kernal ROM (8 Kbytes)
  • `basic', the Basic + Editor ROM (32 Kbytes)
  • `chargen', the character generator ROM (4 Kbytes)
The C128, VIC20 and C64 emulators also need the following DOS ROMs for the hardware-level emulation of the 1541, 1571 and 1581 disk drives:
  • `dos1541', the 1541 drive ROM (16 Kbytes)
  • `dos1541II', the 1541-II drive ROM (16 Kbytes)
  • `dos1571', the 1571 drive ROM (32 Kbytes)
  • `dos1581', the 1581 drive ROM (32 Kbytes)
I took mine from my C64 Forever Disk (which uses VICE) and going in as ROOT (for the elevated privileges  placed them in 

~/usr/local/lib/VICE/ or ~/usr/lib/VICE/

(Oh "~" this means HOME FOLDER, it's placed there to replace whatever you have named your home folder as because its impossible for the person to know what everyone's named their home folder right ? That would be creepy.

placing the right files in each folder named after the machine e.g. Vic 20, C64

Link to VICE Manual: